Brittany Tran, MA, Resident In Counseling

Brittany Tran is a Resident In Counseling with a Master of Arts in Counseling from Marymount University.

Brittany's goal as your therapist is to help you distinguish, explore and look for more effective problem-solving strategies in daily living.I also help with how to deal with internal and external conflicts in order to attain more satisfying personal and interpersonal relationships. She enjoys working with young adults, teenagers, kids and older adults.

She specializes in ADHD, anxiety, depression, life transitions, gender issues, LGBTQ+ issues, relationship issues, grief and loss, and other mental health problems. Through her own experience of going to counseling herself, it allows her to see others points of view and inspires her to help others in the counseling process



Make An Appointment

To schedule an appointment with Brittany, please call (540) 699-0226, Extension 1 or e-mail

Brittany Tran is under the board approved supervision of MaryAnn Byrne , LPC (Virginia #0701002717). To contact a Clinical Supervisor with any questions or concerns, please call (540) 699-0226 ext. 107 or e-mail