Chanel Hudson, MSW, Supervisee In Social Work
Chanel Hudson is a Supervisee in Social Work. While earning her Masters in Social Work from Widener University, she worked for the Pennsylvania Department of Health to counsel individuals and families impacted by Covid-19. Later, she had the opportunity to work with women who were survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence and human trafficking.
Chanel’s past experience includes individual, family, and group counseling. Her therapeutic approach is person-centered, which focuses on personal growth through increasing self-esteem and self-acceptance and decreasing feelings of guilt, shame, and regret. Her goal as a therapist is to provide a non-judgmental environment conducive to healing and honest self-exploration.
Chanel looks forward to working with clients to identify what thought patterns or behaviors may be preventing them from experiencing life to its fullest, defining what steps to take to create the experiences they want, and finding ways to cope with life’s stressors as they arise.
Let’s take a few minutes to reflect on how far you’ve come and the strength it’s taken to be here! I look forward to meeting and collaborating with you!
Make An Appointment
To schedule an appointment with Chanel, please call (540) 699-0226, Extension 1 or e-mail
Chanel Hudson is under the board approved supervision of William Datta, LCSW (Virginia #0904011300). To contact a Clinical Supervisor with any questions or concerns, please call 540-699-0226 ext. 105 or e-mail